Wednesday 6 November 2013

TODAY´S TASKS (9TH October 2013…nearly my birthday)

 -Check the BLOGGERS LIST with your BLOGGER ADDRESS to see if it´s correctly written

-If you have NO COMMENTS in any posts within your blog…..YOU´LL HAVE TO OPEN AGAIN THE BLOG WITH A NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS…do it as soon as possible ( by now a 0´6 reduction has been operated) TODAY´S POST 1ST

.- Fill in your PERSONAL PROFILE -Add a video clip -Add a picture ( it doesn´t have to be a “real photo” but a metaphorical reference i. e. : “Hommer Simpson picture”)

 -Be as specific as possible when you write about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, freetime activities…and so forth….BE CREATIVE…

.- Go through your classmates blogs ( addresses in “BLOGGERS´LIST” which is going round) and include approximately 10 comments ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN TO USE “ ME GUSTA”…this is unspecific…JUSTIFY YOUR OPINION ALWAYS ( please those having commented along those lines…DELETE IT) 3RD.- Rememberto improve your already-made posts according to my comments

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