Tuesday 3 June 2014



Guess, guess who she is...

-She is Italian and lived in XVII century.

- She was brought up in a well-off family and was taught by a private professor at home.

-She attended intelectual meetings organized by your parents at home since she was 13 years old. She joined the adult discussions smartly and successfully.

-She contributed a vast and modern manual about Algebra written to be understood and studied by lay-people. 

-She was known by a very peculiar "curve" that was mistranslated from her book and was named "the witch".

- However she was appointed Doctor in Maths for the Bolonia University by the Pope Benedicto XIV ,  she was a very humble human being.  

-She devoted the last  years of her life to Charity and died at the age of 80.


Once you have guessed it, write  HER NAME in the post and ADD ANOTHER BIOGRAPHICAL datum different from the ones i have already mentioned....GOOD LUCK ( Courtesy of Pastora, your Maths teacher) 

P.S. The last post will be the one demanded on 11th June. On 18th June you MUST hand in your replica on paper of all the posts of the last term including  the links to images and video clips. Comments will be counted and recorded on 18th June. You must have a minimum of 20 comments. A list with the posts required together with their correspondent deadlines will be on display in class.

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